New Year, New Start for Kortrong: Awards and New Grid-side Battery Storage Project
Time:2024-01-26 source:


On January 10th, 2023, at the Guangdong Solar Industry Development Summit and the Guangdong International Photovoltaic Technology Conference, Kortrong Energy proudly received the prestigious "2023 Most Influential Brand - Energy Storage Product Unit" award.


On the same day, at the 2023 Energy Storage Industry Innovation and Development Forum, along with the "Solar Cup" Energy Storage Industry Awards Ceremony organized by Solarbe, Kortrong was honored with the "2023 Emerging Enterprise Award in the Chinese Energy Storage Industry."


As the new year kicked off, the largest immersion-type new energy storage power station in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the Guangdong Foshan Baotang Energy Storage Station—jointly operated by Kortrong Energy Storage and Southern Power Grid Energy Storage—officially commenced operations. On January 3rd, CCTV's "News Broadcast" featured a report titled "New Year, New Vibes, Taking Real Actions for a New Beginning," highlighting this project.
